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The editorial board of the journal " The Science of Physical Culture " complies with the norms of international editorial guidelines (with the COPE Guidelines - Publications Ethics Committee).
The editorial board of the journal " The Science of Physical Culture " assumes responsibility for compliance with standards of publication ethics and behavior at all stages of review and publication. For this purpose, the same method of submitting and verifying manuscripts, peer review and interpersonal communication shall apply as in international scientific journals. Only articles containing original contributions, which exclude plagiarism, multiple editing, errors and scientific falsifications will be accepted.

Copyright and responsibilities of the author
The author bears moral responsibility for the published articles.
From the moment the article reaches the editorial office of the journal, the author transmits to it the right to reproduce it, to distribute the original, the right to place it online.
The author is responsible for the quality of the article, for the scientific novelty and originality of the article, its correspondence with the editorial and conceptual policy of the journal; the appropriate wording of the article title, the concordance with the content and the bibliographical references; relevance of the abstract and keywords; scientific quality, complying with the structure of a scientific article; consistency of methodology and appropriate use of theoretical language; interpretation and theoretical analysis, critical involvement of the author; arguing the purpose and conclusions; relevance of sources and bibliographic references; stylistic and graphic presentation of the article.
The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the journal pages belongs to the authors.
Articles already published in other journals are not allowed. To counter plagiarism and multiple publications, articles are verified through the Plagiarism Checker.
Authors retain the copyright on unrestricted articles and grant the journal the right to first publish.
The responsibility for the original character of the published text lies with the author. In this regard, the author signs an ethics declaration on his own responsibility, declaring the original nature of the article, the absence of plagiarism and multiple publication.
The author will have a decision-making transparency and a respectful treatment from the editor, who will inform him about the objections and suggestions made by the reviewers and the editorial board.

There are no fees for publishing materials in the journal "The Science of Physical Culture".