Plagiarism policy of the journal "Science of Physical Culture"
The purpose of the plagiarism policy of the journal "Science of Physical Culture" is to protect the prestige of the journal and to implement a culture of honesty and accuracy of scientific creation.
All articles submitted for publication in "Science of Physical Culture" journal will be checked against plagiarism by means of plagiarism systems that allow automatic detection of digital plagiarism in the sense of unauthorized retrieval of a text, using search engines on the Internet. In the event of any suspicion of the originality of the work text, the editorial board uses additional tools to find loans.
In order to exclude plagiarism when submitting the materials, the Editorial Board of the journal will ask the author on his own responsibility under section 4 and 31 of the Regulation on the evaluation, classification and monitoring of scientific journals (ANACEC CC Decision No. 6 of 18 December 2018), as well as point 5 of the Regulation for publishing and disseminating the university journal " Science of Physical Culture ".
From the editorial board's point of view, plagiarism is considered:
* using (textually citing) any material in any volume without specifying the source;
* use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, diagrams and any other forms of graphical representation of information without identifying the source, the written consent of the authors or copyright owners who prohibit the use of their materials.
To avoid plagiarism, the potential authors of the journal "Science of Physical Culture" are recommended:
1. Each fragment quoted in another paper, must contain the quotation marks, to distinguish the "exact reproduction" of "paraphrasing," incorrect practice, as long as the source of the paraphrased phrase is not indicated.
2. Do not reproduce a phrase or a paragraph, if it does not intend to use it as a quotation.
3. Before submitting the article, make sure to put the quotes to all citations and not exaggerating in their use, because a work composed mostly of quotes is considered a plagiarism.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to use all legal methods for detecting the plagiarized texts and only the authors who will strictly comply with the mandatory requirements and all provisions set forth in the author guidelines on the rules for submission of articles for publication in the scientific and theoretical journal " Science of physical culture "will have the right to issue in the biannual editions of the journal.