- biannual
for the year 2020
First issue
I. Receiving articles
Deadline: April 15, 2020
II. Peer-review process:
Deadline: May 19, 2020
III. Editorial process
Deadline: June 9, 2020
IV. Multiplication
Deadline: June 26, 2020
No schedule for multiplication of the 1st issue if the material is received later than June 14.
V. Bulletin dissemination through exchange and orders
Deadline: June 30, 2020
Second issue
I. Receiving articles
Deadline: October 1, 2020
II. Peer-review process:
Deadline: November 3, 2020
III. Editorial process
Deadline: November 24, 2020
IV. Multiplication
Deadline: December 13, 2020
No schedule for multiplication of the 2nd issue if the material is received later than November 30.
V. Bulletin dissemination through exchange and orders
Deadline: December 24, 2020